Ecologists against speculators:
The game consists of a chessboard where you take turns placing pieces.
On one side of the piece we can see a skyscraper, on the other some trees.
One player plays as the speculator and the other as the ecologist. In turn, you simply place the pieces on the chessboard.
The speculator will place them with the skyscraper visible and ecologist with the tree in sight, until no more place is left on the board. The first one who is unable to place a piece lost by “lack of space”.
Placing the 12 pieces on the board, will always leave 4 empty squares.
Place the 12 pieces on the board, and leave the empty squares as shown in the patterns drawn at the margins
of the board.
dimension of the board; 25,5 x 25,5 cm.
Ecologisti contro speculatori:
Il gioco si compone di una scacchiera dove a turno si piazzano i 12 pezzi sui quali e’ disegnato ,rispettivamente su una faccia un grattacielo e sul suo dietro alberi.
Uno dei due giocatori fa lo speculatore edile e l’altro l’ecologista . A turno si piazzano i pezzi sulla scacchiera,
Lo speculatore li porra’ con la facciata grattacielo visibile e l’ecologista con l’albero in vista fino a che non restera’ piu’
spazio sulla scacchiera. Il primo che si trova nell’impossibilita’ di piazzare un pezzo per mancanza di spazio perde.
Pentominos is mentioned in the science fiction tale Imperial Earth by Arthur C. Clarke. In the book the main character Duncan strugles to find the solution to the puzzle.
The challenge is to compose the most complicated rectangle, 3×20 square using the twelve pentominoes, there are only two solutions out of a million billion.
There are four possible rectangular solutions: 6×10, 5×12, 4×15, and 3×20. (the 6×10 can be solved in 2339 different ways, the 5×12 in 1010 ways and the 4×15 in 368 ways, but the 3×20 only in two)
Click on the Solutions to see the 3×20 solutions.